Friday, August 7, 2015

Five small goals for August

August is always a busy month!  School starts and so do regular routines-- getting up early on time being the big one.  I SHOULD just try to keep my head above water in this phase of the year but instead I'm creating 5 simple goals.  I'm trying to be realistic though so I have my big, hairy, ideal goal and then a hopeful and realistic goal for each category.   

1) Eat better and Exercise.  For health reasons and vanity reasons, I need to lose weight.  I think I will go with SparkPeople.  Several years ago, I lost 20 pounds by counting calories and exercising.  Since then, I've gotten a little older, had a baby, and gotten out of all kinds of routines.  Ideal goal:  Lose 50 pounds.  Hopeful goal:  Lose 5 pounds by the end of August.  Realistic goal:  I hope I can come up with a plan for losing weight by the end of August. 

2) Smooth Start to school year- Ideal goal:  I want to get out of the door early everyday, have no tears from my daughter or myself, be always ready for whatever happens, fall into routines, etc.  Realistic goal:  I want to set up some routines so everyday things like breakfast and weekly things like packing the daycare bag are easy. 

3)  Clean House- Yeah, this is bad.  Husband has been sick so all routines are thrown off!  Ideal goal:  I want every nook and cranny cleaned.  Hopeful goal:  I want it to be 100% company ready.  Realistic goal:  I want to not be embarrassed to open the door. 

4) Be social. Ideal goal:  I want to be the kind of person who is able to be a fantastic hostess or the life of the party all the time without ever getting tired or neglecting their family.  (Actually, as an introvert, that goal sounds pretty yucky).  Hopeful goal:  A balance of social time and family/ alone time each week.  Realistic goal:  Do something outside of the house once in a while.  (date night, daughter's playdate, girl time). 

5) Keep up my blog. Ideal goal:  Without sacrificing anything, I want to build a blogging empire.  Hopeful goal:  Blog maybe 2-3 times a week and have some people read it.  Realistic goal: Blog once in a while for my pleasure, whether anyone else reads or not. 

I'll try to come back at the end of August with an update.  I'm linking to Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday and The Yellow Brick Road's Small Goals link-ups. 



  1. I like how you've segmented your goals...I often have an ideal goal and a realistic goal. And as a fellow introvert, I totally understand the "be social" goal!

    1. It's something that may be a treat for others but something I have to work at. :)

  2. Great goals! You should try for fantastic routines that will keep you super organized and your house company ready.

  3. I love how you have an ideal goal and a realistic goal. It doesn't hurt to dream, but it might not always happen, right? :) It seems impossible for me to stay on top of everything. If I'm blogging a lot, then my house is messy. And so on... My goal should just be to find some sort of balance. :)

    1. I know what you mean. I've been cleaning/ spending time with my daughter all weekend and haven't even looked at blogs.

  4. Thanks for linking up! I love your cleaning goals. I'm a neat freak and tend to clean often, but when it comes down to it, I just really want my place to be presentable for when people come over :)

    1. Yes, that's what I want too. Think you are probably closer to that goal than I am though.
