Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Screen time picks

Earlier, I went over some of my daughter's favorite books.  Today, I thought I would turn my attention to her screen time picks.  I figure this can also serve as my memory book for her because I'm not so good at making her an actual memory book.  Sorry sweetie.

We both like PBS shows.  I have to say that I don't really know the PBS schedule but I'm fairly certain that if I turn it on during weekday mornings, something kid friendly will be found.  This helps me take a shower during the summer.
Our favorite shows are Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and SuperWhy.  I love these three because I feel like they help her learn about her world (yes, I know they don't replace a parent!).  She loves them because they are "so cute!"

We actually usually watch the PBS shows and a couple of others on Netflix.  When looking for logos for this post, I came across the post Netflix is my Preschool Parenting Ally.  I agree!  Tip:  remember that these characters need sleep quite frequently.  Whenever you don't want to watch them, just say they are sleeping.  You can even go into the parent's profile page and show they aren't there.  That confession should stay out of the memory book.

While kid shows are usually pretty short (especially since you can just watch part on Netflix), apps can be even shorter.  These make them nice for potty rewards.  My daughter likes Fruit Roll (she calls it fruit snacks) and all the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn apps.  If you have a child 3 or under, check out this whole line of free apps.  I love the entire Laugh & Learn line though.  We had/have the table, the piggy bank, the puppy sister, the house, and the car.  Now that I list it all out (with Amazon affiliate links), it does seem a little much.  Oh well, I have to say, they are the only electronic toys that we don't hide after 2 minutes.

Youtube is another avenue for short picks.  Good for rewards (for mom or daughter).  Here are a couple we enjoy (that also get us moving)


If you noticed, I didn't have a post yesterday.  I had been posting Monday-Friday since starting this blog.  I didn't have a reason really, just getting ready for back to school.  I'm sure my blogging will slow down now that I won't be hanging around the house during naptime. No promises or threats of blog posting frequency here!  

I'm linking up to Giving up on Perfect for Works for Me Wednesday because having these screen time options and the accompanying shower works for me.  


  1. Thanks for linking up to Works for Me Wednesday! My 19-month-old has recently fallen in love with Daniel Tiger. I'm fine with that because I love Daniel Tiger, too! And OH MY YES, showers are necessary. At least a couple times a week, right? :)

    1. Surprisingly, it is sometimes easier to get ready during the school year because I have a deadline to get out the door. I also send daddy on the daycare run while I get ready. This summer has been brutal. :)
