Sunday, October 11, 2015

School trumps blogs

Remember my first post?  I said I would probably blog during the summer and then stop when school started.  Umm, Yeah, I kept that promise. 

I am not going to post a lot today either.  I just wanted to update on my September goals. I've kept them almost as well as keeping up this blog- very inconsistent at best.

There have been some successes-- at one point I had lost 9.5 pounds and the house was clean.  I don't know that either is true today though.  I hit the halfway mark on my blog posts (5 posts instead of 10).  That's how this month has been. 

I have to remind myself: 
From this pin-- link broken

This is pretty much my motto.  


 By this measurement I've done pretty good this month.  I think this will be my entire goal for the rest of October. We will see what October brings! 

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